No-Cost Transportation Provided by Health Care Providers
As Ohio continues to grapple with the COVID-19 crisis, we are working hard to ensure our most vulnerable citizens maintain reliable access to food resources. Over the last several weeks, we have received several phone calls about transportation or delivery options for our Pantry goods. Unfortunately, the Pantry does not provide such benefits, however, your health care plan may!
Ohio’s five Medicaid Managed Care Plans (Buckeye Health Plan, CareSource, Molina Healthcare, Paramount Advantage, and United Heathcare Community Plan) provide members with no-cost transportation services to and from food banks, food pantries, food clinics, and grocery stores as part of their plan benefit.
This transportation service is essential to many of our members. We encourage you to contact your respective health plan coordinator to get the transportation services you need. They will be better equipped to communicate their transportation benefit and how to use it.
Below is a listing of the transportation benefits provided by each Managed Care Plan. You will also find the contact information for each plan and instructions on how you can help schedule transportation services if needed.